Are you ready for the cold?

Have you seen the forecast for the next ten days? Old man winter is making a return to western Montana and seems to be making up for lost time! The big question is, are you prepared? Here are a few friendly tips that might be of value in the coming days. 

 * Get your groceries and other supplies now before the real cold hits. With the extremely low temps and winds heading our way, it is not uncommon for cars to not start. Planning ahead will keep you from getting in a bind. 

 * Fill up some water jugs to have on hand incase the power goes out. Many of us in Western Montana are on wells and without electricity we don't have water. Having several container full of water will help keep you hydrated while the power is out.

 * Make sure your electronics are all charged especially flashlights and power packs. 

 * Make sure your vehicle has jumper cables in it, some extra warm clothes like hats and gloves, and a sleeping bag. Should you get stranded, these items could literally save your life. 

 *If you have a secondary heat source or generator, make sure they are ready to go. Make sure you have plenty of fuel whether it is gas or wood. With the winds that are predicted, losing power could happen. Make sure you are ready for it. 

 * Make sure your animals have access to shelter and water at all times. If your cold, they probably are too!

 * Lastly, if you are a seasonal resident of Montana, have your caretaker or neighbor go turn up your heat. Most seasonal residents turn their heat down to 50 in the winter. I recommend to all of my clients to turn it up to 70 in these brutally cold winter events. Why? Because if the power was to go out your house will be 20 degrees warmer which will give it move time before it drops below freezing. The power companies do everything they can to get power restored, but when it is bitterly cold out it simply takes longer. The difference of 20 degrees warm could save your pipes from freezing. 

Stay warm everyone!Forecast

Joel Thompson
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